Contact us

For further information please email:

Dr Gabor Thomas, Project DirectorGabor

Gabor is the director of the Lyminge Archaeological Project. Further information about his career and research interests can be found here.

Dr Alexandra Knox, Post-Doctoral Research AssistantAlexandra

Alexandra is the Research Assistant on the Lyminge Archaeological Project. Further information about her career and research interests can be found here.

Simon Maslin, Data manager / Environmental ArchaeologistSimon

Simon is the Data Manager and Environmental Archaeologist on the Lyminge Archaeological Project. He is also undertaking a PhD on the geo and bioarchaeology of the site. Further information about his career and research interests can be found here.

Rosie Cummings, Excavation ManagerRosie

Rosie is the Excavation Manager on the Lyminge Archaeological Project.

Helen Harrington, Finds SupervisorHelen

Helen is the finds supervisor on the Lyminge Archaeological Project.

Zoe Knapp, PhD Researcher/zooarchaeologistHelen

Zoe is the Zooarchaeologist on the Lyminge Archaeological Project and is also working on a PhD on the faunal remains from the site.