Past Presentations
This page provide details of the various presentations which have been provided to local and national societies and institutions by members of the project team.You can find videos of a recent seminar given by Dr Gabor Thomas at the University of Reading Archaeology department seminar series here.
Presentations by Dr Gabor Thomas
- September 2012: End of Dig lecture to Lyminge Historical Society: ‘Summary of excavations at Lyminge 2012’.
- Thursday 24th January 2013: Department of Archaeology Seminar Series, University of Reading: ‘An Anglo-Saxon Monastic Landscape Explored: Past, Present and Future Excavations at Lyminge, Kent’.
- Friday 15th March 2013: ‘Ploughing Ahead’ Conference, Oxford University: ‘The Lyminge Coulter: a provisional assessment of a discovery unique to early Anglo-Saxon England’.
- March 23rd 2013: Leverhulme funded ‘Converting the Isles’ colloquium in Bangor, Wales: ‘Marsh, Downland and Weald: monastic foundation and rural intensification in Anglo-Saxon Kent’
- August 2013: End of Dig lecture to Lyminge Historical Society: ‘Lyminge excavations 2013’.
- 7-11 September 2013: Presented at ‘Dying Gods: Religious beliefs in northern and eastern Europe in the time of Christianisation’ 64th Internationales Sachsensymposion, Paderborn, Germany: A window on Christianisation: Transformation at Anglo-Saxon Lyminge, Kent.
- 10th May 2014: 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA: ‘A Window on Early Medieval Christianization: The Social Dynamics of Monastic Foundation at Anglo-Saxon Lyminge, Kent.’
- 3rd June 2014: York Medieval Seminar, Centre for Medieval Studies, King’s Manor, York.
- 29th August 2014: Lyminge Historical Society end of 2014 season review.
- 8th October 2014: Royal Archaeological Institute, Society of the Antiquaries, London: ‘Places of Power and the Conversion of Anglo-Saxon Kent: New Archaeological Perspectives from Lyminge, Kent.’
- 23rd February 2015: Cambridge Medieval Archaeology Seminar Series, McDonald Institute, University of Cambridge.
- 16th April 2015: Holleyman Lecture, University of Sussex: ‘A Portal to the Anglo-Saxon Past: Village Core Excavations at Bishopstone and Lyminge and their significance for Anglo-Saxon Settlement Studies.’
- 6th May 2015: British Archaeological Association, Society of the Antiquaries, London: ‘Places of Power and the Making of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: New Archaeological Perspectives from Lyminge, Kent.’
- 23rd May 2015: Sutton Hoo Society annual Basil Brown Lecture, Woodbridge: ‘The Archaeology of Lyminge, Kent.’
Presentations by Dr Alexandra Knox
- Saturday 20th October 2012: Council for Kentish Archaeology Conference, Christchurch Canterbury University: Recent research on Anglo-Saxon Kent. ‘Monastic foundation and the Christianisation of the Anglo Saxon Kent A review of recent excavations at Lyminge’.
- Thursday, 8th November 2012: Society for Medieval Archaeology Student Colloquium, University of Cardiff. ‘Expressions of belief in Anglo-Saxon settlements: the application of a holistic approach to recent excavations at Lyminge, Kent’.
- Wednesday 20th February 2013: Christchurch Canterbury University, Department of History and American Studies Seminar Series. ‘Anglo-Saxon Lyminge: from royal vill to double monastery’.
- Saturday 2nd March 2013: Current Archaeology Conference, Senate House, London. ‘Anglo-Saxon Lyminge: from royal vill to monastic foundation’.
- Friday 20th September 2013: Elham Historical Society, Elham, Kent. ‘Anglo-Saxon Lyminge: A review of recent excavations at Lyminge, Kent’.
- Monday 18th November 2013: Ashford Archaeological and Historical Society, Ashford, Kent. ‘Anglo-Saxon Lyminge: A review of recent excavations at Lyminge, Kent’.
- Friday 7th February 2014: Historical Association, Reading, Berks. ‘An Anglo-Saxon settlement at Lyminge, Kent: excavations from 2008 to 2013′.
- Wednesday 23rd May 2014, University of the 3rd Age, Rochester Guildhall Museum, Rochester, Kent. ‘An Anglo-Saxon settlement at Lyminge, Kent: Excavations from 2008-2013’.
- Sunday 1st June 2014, Reculver Visitors Centre, Reculver, Kent. ‘An Anglo-Saxon settlement at Lyminge, Kent: Excavations from 2008-2013’.
- Tuesday 10th June 2014, University of the 3rd Age, Rochester Guildhall Museum, Rochester, Kent. ‘An Anglo-Saxon settlement at Lyminge, Kent: Excavations from 2008-2013’.
- Wednesday 1st April 2015, Wye Historical Society, Wye, Kent. ‘An Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Lyminge, Kent’.
- Saturday 9th May 2015, Kent History Federation One Day Conference, Village Hall, Elham, Kent. ‘An Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Lyminge, Kent’.
Presentations by Rosie Cummings
- Thursday 21st February 2013: Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust Symposium 2013, Canterbury and East Kent in the Early Medieval Period: ‘Early Medieval East Kent: The Lyminge Archaeological Project’.
Presentations by Zoe Knapp
- Tuesday 10th March 2015, Institute of Archaeology and British Museum Medieval Seminar Series, UCL, London. ‘Monastic life, a ‘fishy’ business? Changing human-animal relationships in Anglo-Saxon Lyminge’.
- Sunday 26th April 2015, Early Medieval Monasticism in the North Sea Zone Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent. ‘Changing Tastes: Investigating feasting and fasting in Anglo-Saxon Lyminge.’.