Conference 2015 Timetable

Conference poster draft 3

The Conference is taking place in the Grimond Lecture Theatre 1, in the Grimond Building at the University of Kent, Canterbury campus (labelled J6 on this map). All sessions, including the keynote address, will be taking place in this lecture theatre.

Friday 24th April 2015

  • 11:30 Field Trip to Lyminge Departs (optional)
  • 15:00 Conference Registration Desk Opens
  • 16:00 Field Trip Returns
  • 17:00 Keynote Lecture by Professor John Blair, University of Oxford
    Great hall complexes and minsters in seventh-century England
  • 18:00 Wine Reception

Saturday 25th April 2015

  • 8:30 Registration Desk Open
  • 9:30 Welcome and Introduction to the Lyminge excavations by Dr Gabor Thomas
  • 10:00 SESSION 1: Power and Place: the Politics of Monastic Foundation
    Ian Wood (Leeds) Merovingian Monasticism and England
    Barbara Yorke (Winchester) Queen Balthild’s ‘monastic policy’ and the origins of female religious houses in Southern England
  • 11:15 Break
  • 11:45 SESSION 1 Continued
    Dries Tys (Brussels) Monastic Houses in the Frankish lowlands and Northern France between the 8th and the 10th centuries: their setting and relation to aristocratic power strategies
    John-Henry Clay (Durham) Saint Boniface’s pastoral strategy in Central Germany, 721-751
  • 13:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 SESSION 2: What did Monasteries Look Like? Architecture and Layout
    Rosemary Cramp (Durham) New Perspectives on monastic buildings and their uses
    Elisabeth Lorans (Tours) Marmoutier (Tours), a late Roman and Early Medieval monastery in the Loire Valley (4th-11th centuries)
  • 15:15 Break
  • 15:45 SESSION 2 Continued
    Tomás Ó Carragáin (Cork) Toureen Peakaun: insular monasticism and royal patronage in the Glen of Aherlow, Ireland
    David Petts (Durham) Places and spaces: some reflections on reconstructing the spatial organisation of Northumbrian monasteries
    Tony Wilmott (Historic England) The Anglian Abbey of Whitby: new perspectives on topography and layout
  • 17:30 End of Day

Sunday 26th April 2015

  • 9:00 Round Table Discussion – all welcome
  • 10:30 Break
  • 11:00 SESSION 3: Production, Consumption and Surplus: Monasteries as Economic Central Places
    Justine Bayley (London) The production of fine metalwork and glass objects in Middle Saxon England
    Mark McKerracher (Oxford) Seeds and status: the archaeobotany of a monastery
    Zoe Knapp (Reading) Changing tastes: investigating feasting and fasting in Anglo-Saxon Lyminge
  • 13:00 Conference End